Latest News

The presentations given at the Regional Symposia on Student Success from the 19th to the 23rd of August 2013 are now available as online video clips. View the video clips on the symposia's event page
The winners of the CHE-HELTASA (Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa) National Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards for 2013 have been selected. They will be announced at…
On the 17th of September 2013 the CHE held a seminar to discuss the recenty released CHE Task Team report proposing undergraduate reform in South Africa. Some task team members attended the seminar…
The task team report:  A proposal for undergraduate curriculum reform in South Africa: The case for a flexible curriculum structure has now been released for public comment. Download the full report:…

Latest Publications

Presented at a workshop on Examining Quality Promotion and Capacity Development at Institutional and National Levels at the Tshwane University of…
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) was established as an independent statutory body in May 1998 in terms of the 'Higher Education Act, No 101 of…
Presented by Dr Mark Hay (Tshwane University of Technogy) at a workshop on Examining Quality Promotion and Capacity Development at Institutional and…
Presented by VO Netshandama (Senior Lecturer Nursing Science and Coordinator of the University-Community Development Unit of the University of Venda…