News & Announcements
Higher Education Conference: 28 February to 1 March 2024
First Announcement
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) is a statutory body established in terms of the provision of section 4 of the Higher Education Act No. 101 of 1997, as amended, and its mandate as stipulated in section 5 of the same Act, includes arranging and coordinating conferences on themes germane to higher education. It is in line with this mandate that the CHE has regularly organised conferences on topical issues on higher education since 1999.
The CHE hereby announces that its next Higher Education Conference will take place from 28 February to 1 March 2024 in Gauteng Province at a venue that will be confirmed soon. The conference will be in-person only.
The theme of the conference is:
Deepening the Discourse on Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy and Public Accountability in South African Higher Education