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Article source: UKZN Ndaba
UKZN’s University Teaching and Learning Portfolio hosted the Council on Higher Education’s (CHE) workshop on Institutional Audits as Reflexive Praxis (IARP) on 1 March 2022 with…
Call for Nomination of Members of the Institutional Audits Committee (IAC), a sub-committee of the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) of the Council on Higher Education (CHE)
The Council on Higher…
The CHE announces the publication of draft qualification standard statement for the Bachelor of Pharmacy for public comment. The expanded CHE mandate includes the development of standards for qualifications in…
The Council on Higher Education (CHE), Universities South Africa (USAf), and the University of the Free State (UFS) initiated the Staff Experience of and Perspectives on Teaching and Learning and its Future (…
Latest Publications
IntroductionSouth Africa has a pressing need for more graduates with the knowledge and high-level skills necessary to take forward all forms of…
The Minister of Higher Education and Training is calling for nominations for the Council
Higher education has a vital role to play in contributing to the reconstruction and development of all aspects of South African society…