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Patterns and trends, published annually by Universities UK, presents a comprehensive range of data and analysis on the changing size and shape of UK higher education.
This year's report presents data on…
Welcome to the sixth issue of VitalStats: Public Higher Education, a series that was launched in 2012 withVitalStats 2010. The series provides recent, audited data on the higher education sector for research…
New Publication: Higher Education Monitor 14: Learning to Teach in Higher Education in South Africa.
The Higher Education Monitor series, as was elaborated in the first issue in 2003, “aims to stimulate…
On the 11th April 2017, Monash South Africa hosted a talk titled “Internationalisation of Africa” where they hosted Mr Tony Blair former Prime Minister of Great Britain. Professor Narend Baijnath, Chief…
Latest Publications
The HEQC is committed to a quality-driven higher education system that contributes to socio-economic development, social justice and innovative…
Purpose of level descriptors
1. The purpose of level descriptors for Levels One to Ten of the NQF shall be to ensure coherence across learning in…
The designation of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) as the Quality Council (QC) for Higher Education by the National Qualifications Framework (…