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To all Higher Education Institutions, Quality Councils, Professional Bodies, Public Nursing Colleges, Public Agriculture Colleges, Public Emergency Care Colleges, TVET Colleges, Police Colleges, TVET and…
This communique serves to inform higher education institutions about the critical requirement to provide comprehensive information for each mode of provision in their applications for programme accreditation…
Date: 13 September 2024 Time: 14:00 - 16:30 Mode: Virtual  The purpose of the colloquium is to reflect on the global university rankings and what they mean to higher education in South Africa at a time when…
Kindly find our latest Communiqué 7 of 2024 for public comment on the new Higher Education Practice Standard on Modes of Learning and Teaching. Click on the following link to access and download: Communiqué…

Latest Publications

Click here to access and download: Draft Good Practice Guide on Articulation into and within Higher Education
This Briefly Speaking looks into how the Research Output Policy (DHET, 2015) is being implemented and the implications thereof. This policy, like the…