News & Announcements

The objectives of the Research Colloquium are to: engage with the presentation and the critical response; and critically explore discourses on reimagining the future higher education landscape globally post COVID-19, and with particular reference to South Africa. Target participants the following are the target participants of the Research…
The CHE announces the publication of a draft qualification standard statement for the Diploma in Emergency Care for public comment.  Communique 2 of 2021 Diploma in Emergency Care call for comments
BrieflySpeaking - Extended Programmes with an Integrated Foundation Phase: Theoretical considerations for curriculum design Download BrieflySpeaking Issue No. 14  
The NRF held The Ethics in Scholarly Publishing Workshop on 11 April 2018, the event was held in partnership with a number institutions concerned. Below is a report and documentation coming from the Workshop:  NRF Ethics Workshop Report Appendix 1 Programme The Ethics Workshop Appendix 2 Scale and Nature of Unethical Publishing by J. Mouton…
Sci Bytes @ SciSTIP is a new information series produced by SciSTIP. Its aim is to disseminate on a regular basis brief reports about some aspect of the science and innovation system in South Africa. The aim is to inform and share knowledge produced by SciSTIP. The “bytes” are written in a nontechnical style. read more: LINK TO SCIBYTES@…
This issue of BrieflySpeaking reflects on the targets that were set in the National Plan for Higher Education of 2001. Using data from VitalStats 2016, which was published in March 2018, we consider the extent to which these targets have been reached and point to some interesting developing trends. Read more: BrieflySpeaking (6) The National…