News & Announcements
Enhancing the Efficacy and Efficiency of the National Qualifications Framework

- This is the first formal statement of government's policy on the implementation of the NQF since the historic passage of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Act in 1995.
- This statement concludes a process, initiated in 2001, of assessing how the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) can be improved. The process has taken long but important issues have had to be resolved.
- Since the review began concerned individuals, organisations, public entities and departments of state have contributed valuable analyses and critiques of the NQF and its implementation. Two substantial published documents, each including a range of proposals, have benefited from such contributions and provided a focus for further public debate.
- The new policy retains the original objectives of the NQF but envisages changes in its organisational structures to improve the efficiency and efficacy of implementation. Such changes reflect the experience gained by the Ministries of Education and Labour in carrying the political responsibility for NQF implementation and the many and varied submissions in response to the two previous documents. They are designed to address the allocation of responsibility, resolve tensions among important role players, and simplify the NQF apparatus, in order to speed up the achievement of NQF objectives. Many important bodies and interests, both public and private, are involved in NQF implementation. All will be affected by the changes once the new policy has been given legislative effect. Good leadership and goodwill will be required on all fronts in order to ensure a well managed transition.