News & Announcements
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) wishes to invite printing and publications professionals to be registered on the CHE Panel of approved professionals.
Bid documents will be available from 20 January 2014 until 07 February 2014 between 8h00 and 15h30 only on proof of payment of a non-refundable amount of R300.00 (VAT included). The amount must be deposited into the following bank account: Standard Bank, Branch – Brooklyn, Branch code – 001245, Account number: 011816716.No cash or cheques will be accepted.
Clearly indicate the bid number and the name of your organisation on the deposit slip.
Bidders need to have purchased bid document to be allowed in the briefing, the documents must be placed in the tender box located at CHE building 1 Quintin Brand Street, Persequor Technopark.
Bid document must be an original document clearly marked “original” accompanied by three (3) copies thereof, marked “copy”. The documents must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the bid name, type of services and reference number that appear on the advertisement.
CHE reserves the right to rescind the process should it be deemed necessary to do so. However, all applicants will be informed accordingly.
Failure to comply with any instruction contained in this document will lead to disqualification.
Enquires can be directed to: Dorah Motlhalifi, Tel: (012) 349 3915 or
3. Tirommoho Communications CC
4. Think n Think Designs
5. Interactive Web Works CC
6. Meropa Communications (Pty) LTD
7. Geness Consulting CC
8. IE Communications CC
9. Prion Group (Pty) LTD
10. Blackmoon Advertising & Research
11. Under The Tree Designes CC
12. FAD Communications
13. Lebone Litho Printers (Pty) LTD
14. Blue Apple Publishing