Request for public comments on the draft Standard of Higher Certificate in Emergency Medical Care

Request for public comments on the draft Standard of Higher Certificate in Emergency Medical Care

In terms of the Higher Education Act (no. 101 of 1997) and the Higher Education Amendment Act (no. 39 of 2008), the Council on Higher Education (CHE) is responsible for quality assurance for higher education, and for implementation of the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF). The HEQF, in turn, assigns to the CHE the responsibility for developing standards for all higher education qualifications.

Click here to access the full Announcement: Announcement- Request public comments for the draft Standard of Higher Certificate in Emergency Medical Care.pdf

Click here to access the Draft Qualification Standard for Higher Certificate in Emergency Medical Care: Draft HC in Emergency Medical Care _Qualification Standard_for public comment_Version 7_202303[33].pdf

CHE Public Comment
