
Universities and private higher education institutions are engaged in offering short courses that do not lead to qualifications or part qualifications on the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-…
This Framework sets out principles, policy , agency and general procedure for national reviews of higher education programmes. Specific details , including what is required of the institutions…
Standards aim to provide institutions with benchmarks for qualifications that may be used for internal quality assurance as well as external comparison. For HEQC quality assurance, standards will be…
Preface“Teaching and learning are never neutral. Every aspect is ideological in nature: from the admission of students, to theselection of curriculum content, to the adoption of learning materials,…
 Welcome to the sixth issue of VitalStats: Public Higher Education, a series that was launched in 2012 withVitalStats 2010. The series provides recent, audited data on the higher education sector for…
This issue, “Constituting Higher Education”, continues in this vein, assembling as it does the views of a number of contributors on the important theme of understanding universities in relation to…