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The PoMiSA (The Potential of Microcredentials in Southern Africa) project is a collaborative endeavour among leading Southern African and European universities, national councils, and strategic partners, aimed…
The Council on Higher Education’s Reconceptualizing Learning And Teaching (RELATE) Project requires a consultant to research the notion of student success within the context of private higher education…
Please find our latest Communiqué 1 of 2025, a call for public comment on further principles and processes related to IQA Functionality in the QAF.
Access and download the full Communiqué and the Template for…
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) is an independent statutory body established by the Higher Education Act, No. 101 of 1997, as amended. It is also governed by the NQF Act No. 67 of 2008 which declared it…
Latest Publications
Qualification Standards for Initial Teacher Education: Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Qualification Standards for Initial Teacher Education: Bachelor of Education
BrieflySpeaking is a series of monitoring briefs. The series consists of regular, short articles which monitor and comment on aspects of the higher…
Explore the latest edition of BrieflySpeaking No. 31, titled "A Reflection on the Challenge of Food Insecurity among Students from Socioeconomically…