News & Announcements

Explore our latest publication, Kagisano No. 15, which delves into Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education in South Africa. Click here to access and download: Kagisano 15 Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education in South Africa
Find our latest Communiqué 13 of 2024 - Call for Papers: The SAQAN Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.  The first call for papers is aligned to the theme of the SAQAN conference in Zambia, but papers on any quality assurance topic will be considered. The due date for submission to the inaugural volume is 31 January 2025. Click on…
Higher Education Conference 2025 - Second Announcement We are pleased to share the second announcement for the upcoming Higher Education Conference: Date: 26 - 28 February 2025 Venue: Birchwood Hotel & OR Tambo Conference Centre, Johannesburg Format: In-person only Conference Theme: The State of Quality of Higher Education in South Africa…
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) noted with sadness the recent passing of Professor Chabani Manganyi, a former chairperson of the CHE.  Read the full statement: Council on Higher Education Statement on the Passing of Professor Chabani Manganyi
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) announces the release of the Draft Good Practice Guide on Honorary Degrees and Professorships (the Draft Good Practice Guide) and invites comments and feedback towards strengthening the document.  Click on the following link to access and download the full document: Communiqué 12 of 2024 - Draft Good Practice…
SAQAN Announces the Launch of the SAQAN Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education  The Southern African Quality Assurance Network (SAQAN) is excited to announce the launch of the SAQAN Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. This journal aims to establish Quality Assurance as both an academic and professional practice in…