Draft Qualification Standards for Public Comment

The CHE announces the publication of Draft qualification standard statements for MBA, LLB, BSW, Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Diploma in Engineering for public comment. The expanded CHE mandate includes the development of standards for qualifications in higher education. A qualification standard is a generic statement of the learning domains, the level of achievement and the graduate attributes that characterise, and are required for the award of the qualification. They set out expectations about standards of qualifications in a range of fields of study, describing what gives a discipline its distinctiveness. National qualification standards provide both compliance benchmarks and developmental indicators for qualification types as awarded in particular fields of study or disciplines.

These draft standard statements are now available for public comment. Any comments should be sent to Ms Fundiswa Kanise at kanise.f@che.ac.za ; subject: (Qualification Name - Comments) by no later than 18 September 2015. Comments received will be referred to the relevant standards development reference group for advice to the CHE on possible amendments to the drafts before formal approval by the CHE.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Bachelor of Social Work

Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Diploma in Engineering


