News & Announcements

The Council on Higher Education (CHE) exists as an independent statutory body in terms of the Higher Education Act, No. 101 of 1997. It operates in accordance with the prevailing legislative and regulatory frameworks of the Republic of South Africa and with due cognisance of its obligations and responsibilities in terms of such laws and regulations.
The Higher Education Act and Education White Paper 3 of 1997, A Programme for the Transformation of Higher Education, set out the mandate and responsibilities of the CHE.
The vision of the CHE is a transformed, equitable, high quality, economically and socially responsive, productive and sustainable higher education system in a transformed, equitable, just, humane and democratic South Africa based on the principles and values of non-racialism, nonsexism, freedom of expression and other basic human and social rights.
The CHE defines its mission as contributing to the development of a higher education system characterised by quality and excellence, equity, responsiveness to economic and social development needs, and effective and effi cient provision, governance and management. It seeks to make this contribution
- By providing informed, considered, independent and strategic advice on higher education (HE) policy issues to the Minister of Education
- Through the quality assurance activities of its sub-committee, the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC)
- Through publications and through broader dissemination of information, and through conferences and workshops on HE and other focused activities.