News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Date: 01 July 2022
Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Venue: Zoom (ID: 85184188153, Pass code: 814959)
The aim of the Quality Fora is to provide a platform for higher education students to engage each other on good practices regarding student engagement in quality assurance and promotion in higher education. Click the following link for more details and to register: Students CHE Quality Fora Invitation to participate (1).pdf
The aim of the Quality Fora is to provide a platform at which professionals engage each other on good practices pertaining to student engagement in quality assurance and promotion in higher education. Follow the link for more details and to register: CHE Quality Fora Invitation to participate (1).pdf
CHE Statement on the racially motivated attack on a Black student which occurred at Stellenbosch University.
Access the full statement below:
220516_CHE Statement_Racially motivated attack on a Black student at Stellenbosch University[62].pdf
The latest BrieflySpeaking No. 20 titled - The ‘Academic Precariat’: postdoctoral fellows in South African higher education, is available for download and reading.
Link to download:
Kindly see attached Communiqué 3 of 2022 - Standards Development through Communities of Practice (CoPs) for the implementation of the QAF in 2024
Communique_Standards Development through Communities of Practice for the implementation of the QAF in 2024.pdf